New Year, New Skincare Ritual

Unbelievably, it’s that time of year again! New year, new you, new ads from weight loss companies, new impossible-to-follow wellness routines… If you’re anything like me, you want to use the new year to refresh your routine while still being realistic; I actually want to stick to my New Year’s resolutions! So, I’ve added a few steps to my beauty routine checklist to elevate my wellness and skincare rituals without stretching too far out of my comfort zone.


Wear Sunscreen Everyday

It’s something I’m sure you’ve heard before, just like me, but it’s truly so important to wear sunscreen every day, even in the winter. As Jane always says, sunscreen is the most potent anti-aging routine you can practice! Luckily for me (and hopefully you!) most of our foundations contain SPF, so incorporating this step into my skincare ritual in the new year won’t be so hard. I’ll just blend in my Dream Tint Tinted Moisturizer and top it with a bit of PurePressed Base Mineral Foundation, and I can check this resolution off my list.

Drink More Water

I’m great about drinking water during the week, but around comes the weekend and I inexplicably become a camel who drinks two cups of water a day and doesn’t understand why her lips are chapped! To drink more water on the weekend I’m buying myself a new reusable water bottle and keeping it with me. After all, I bring my phone with me from room to room, why not add a water bottle to the mix? Hydrating from the inside is the most basic part of any skincare routine for dry skin.

Clean Your Makeup Brushes

I am SO bad about cleaning my makeup brushes. I know I need to wash them once a week, but usually end up doing it once a quarter, which is gross, I know. So, starting in the new year, I’m going to look at my Sunday afternoon TV time as the perfect opportunity to wash my makeup brushes. Whether you prefer to wash them in a bowl of soapy water or at the bathroom sink, putting on your favorite show makes the process more enjoyable. Plus, your skin will thank you!

Add Supplements to Your Routine

I’m lucky to work for a company that sells the kind of supplements I’m looking for: skin-focused, good for the environment and easy to take. The Skincare Supplements from Advanced Nutrition Programme (ANP) are formulated with the skin in mind, sustainable ingredients and packaged in recyclable canisters. I’ve been trying to take my Skincare Supplements in the morning, but I’m not an early riser and consistently forget to take them. In the new year, I’m switching to a night-time supplement routine by taking them after dinner. I’m going to try to take out the capsules as I sit down to dinner and put them next to my plate, so I don’t forget.


I hope your new year gets off to a good start and that you incorporate some of these resolutions into your beauty and skincare routine. I will certainly be doing my best to live a little bit healthier with these easy-to-incorporate resolutions.

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